CrossFit training in Edmond, Ok.
Family of fun, fitness, and accountability in a group training enviroment that you won’t want to miss.
Group CrossFit training in Edmond, Ok
Our group Crossfit is the most highly sought after fitness program in the area. Our group
classes perform a constantly varied and functional movement at high intensity. What
makes our group classes unique is the upbeat, fun, and engaging levels of responsibility
from the group atmosphere. Our group fitness is a place to have the best hour of your
day around a family you will not want to leave. We are known for delivering results and
the relationships we build.

Benefits of group training
Group training can give you the extra encouragement boost you may need to stay
active while also keeping you on track with your health and fitness goals. Our fun group
dynamic makes working out feel less like work and more like a team sport. Group
training also gives you structure, support, and helps to build relationships with your
Our group training workouts
Our group CrossFit training is based on foundational movements to teach the majority
of exercises found in workouts. These movements generally include push press, front
squats, overhead squats, air squats, overhead press, push press, push jerk, deadlifts,
and medicine ball exercises, all performed in a group setting.

Want to drop in?
No Membership Required.
click here and start today!
Check out our other training programs.

Personal Training
Not ready for CrossFit classes or have some very specific goals? Personal training is catered specifically for you and what you need. Some want a little extra to get started, and others need an ironclad plan with strict accountability.

Virtual Training
Miss CrossFit, but have concerns about COVID-19? Virtual training might be the solution. We combine the movements of Crossfit through a digital platform that allows you to participate from the comfort of your own home.