Personal CrossFit training in Edmond, Ok.
Family of fun, fitness, and accountability that only personal training can give you.
Personal CrossFit training for personal goals.
Do you like working solo, or do you have particular goals you are trying to reach? Here
you will find individual check-ins and workouts that align directly with your goals. We
use the CrossFit methodology and apply its principles to you. By doing this, we will
maximize the effectiveness and frequently allows feedback to optimize your results.
Personal training is catered specifically to you and your fitness needs. Our highly trained
team of coaches will motivate, guide, and will help you get started. We take pride in
accountability regarding our members, and we will not let you fail.

Military Prep for men.
Many men answer the call of duty in the armed forces. We have personally had the
privilege to work with and prep services members. We have a deep respect for these
individuals and thoroughly enjoy assisting them on their journey. Traditional CrossFit is a
great way to help give candidates a mental edge over some of their peers when times
get tough in Bootcamp, BUD/s, Selection, and day to day operations in the military. For
these prospects, I recommend personal training specific to these programs, including
additional running and swimming training and upper body pulling and pushing to
maximize scores on their respective test. We have had great success mixing these
specific items with our traditional CrossFit workouts.
Personal Confidence for women.
We strongly encourage all women to try personal training with one of our amazing
coaches. You can trust that they will help you get the most out of a training program.
Our coaches dig deep past your surface goals to expose your strengths. We find more
often than not that we all have insecurities and are looking to conquer them. Once we
get to know who you are, then the output becomes pretty straightforward, unlocking
your true potential. So if you have ever felt this way, we would highly recommend
working with one of our coaches to help you understand that you are capable of some
truly incredible things.

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Check out our other training programs.

Group Training
Group CrossFit is the bread and butter of our fitness program. We combine the CrossFit methodology of constantly varied, functional movement, performed at a high intensity and mix in our family level of accountability that comes from a group CrossFit atmosphere.

Virtual Training
Miss CrossFit, but have concerns about COVID-19? Virtual training might be the solution. We combine the movements of Crossfit through a digital platform that allows you to participate from the comfort of your own home.